How to Level Up Fast in League of Legends

How to Level Up Fast in League of Legends

Everything You Need to Know About LoL Leveling

League of Legends is a popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game that has gained a massive following over the years. The game has a steep learning curve, and players need to invest a significant amount of time to level up and become competitive. However, leveling up can be a daunting task, especially for new players who are just starting. In this article, we will explore some tips and tricks on how to level up fast in League of Legends.

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Updated on: 4/16/2024

What's Covered in Our Guide?
  1. How to Level Up Fast in League of Legends
  2. Understanding the Basics
  3. Strategies for Leveling Up Fast
  4. Advanced Techniques for Leveling Up Fast

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Understanding the Basics

What is Leveling Up?

Leveling up is an essential part of League of Legends gameplay. It is the process of gaining experience points (XP) to increase your summoner level and your champion's level. When you level up, you gain access to new content such as new champions, summoner spells, and game modes.

Why Level Up Fast?

Leveling up fast in League of Legends has various benefits. Firstly, it allows you to unlock new content quickly, including new champions, runes, and summoner spells, which can help you improve your gameplay. Additionally, reaching level 30 is required to play ranked games, which is where the most competitive gameplay takes place. Finally, leveling up fast can also help you earn more Blue Essence, which can be used to unlock champions and other useful items.

How to Gain Experience Points

There are several ways to gain experience points in League of Legends. Here are a few ways:

  • Play games: Playing games is the most straightforward way to gain experience points. The amount of XP you earn depends on the game mode and the duration of the game.
  • XP Boosts: XP boosts can help you earn more experience points per game, which can help you level up faster. There are two types of XP boosts: duration boosts and win boosts. Duration boosts increase the amount of XP you earn from games for a specific period. Win boosts increase the amount of XP you earn from winning games up to a certain number of wins.
  • First Win of the Day: You can earn bonus XP for your first win of the day in any game mode. This bonus is significant and can help you level up faster.
  • Blue Essence: Blue Essence is a currency that can be used to unlock champions and other useful items. You can earn Blue Essence by leveling up, disenchanting champion shards, or completing missions.

Strategies for Leveling Up Fast

If you're looking to level up quickly in League of Legends, there are several strategies you can use to gain experience points (XP) and progress through the summoner levels faster. Here are some tips to help you level up fast:

Playing with Friends

Playing with friends can be a great way to earn bonus XP and have fun while doing it. You can earn bonus XP by playing with friends who are at a higher summoner level than you. Additionally, playing with friends can help you learn new strategies and improve your gameplay.

Choosing the Right Champions

Choosing the right champions can also help you level up quickly. Some champions are better suited for gaining XP than others. For example, aggressive champions who can get kills and assists quickly can help you gain more XP. Check out guides to find the best champions for leveling up fast.

Using XP Boosts

XP boosts can be purchased with Riot Points and can help you gain more XP from games. There are two types of XP boosts: duration boosts and win boosts. Duration boosts increase the amount of XP you earn from games for a set period of time, while win boosts increase the amount of XP you earn from winning games up to a certain number of wins.

Winning Games and First Win of the Day

Winning games is another way to gain more XP. Additionally, you can earn bonus XP for your first win of the day. Playing aggressively and focusing on objectives can help you win games and earn more XP.

Playing Against Bots

Playing against bots can be a good way to practice and gain XP. Bot games are generally faster than PvP games, and you can earn bonus XP for playing against bots. However, keep in mind that playing against bots does not provide the same real-life gaming experience as playing against real players.

Duration Boosts

Duration boosts can be a great way to gain more XP over a set period of time. If you plan on playing a lot of games in a short amount of time, a duration boost can help you gain more XP and level up faster.

By using these strategies, you can level up quickly in League of Legends and earn rewards for your hard work. Whether you prefer PvP or bot games, there are ways to gain more XP and progress through the summoner levels faster.

Advanced Techniques for Leveling Up Fast

When it comes to leveling up fast in League of Legends, there are several advanced techniques you can use to gain XP at an accelerated rate. In this section, we'll cover some of the most effective methods for quickly boosting your Summoner level.

Using Runes and Champion Capsules

One of the easiest ways to level up fast is to use runes and champion capsules. Runes provide bonus XP, while champion capsules can be unlocked by leveling up and contain champions that you can play to gain more experience. By using these items strategically, you can significantly increase your XP gain and level up faster.

Playing Co-op vs. AI Games

Playing co-op vs. AI games is another effective way to level up quickly. These games are designed to be easier than regular matches, which means you can win more often and gain more XP. Additionally, co-op vs. AI games are shorter than regular matches, which means you can play more games in less time and level up faster.

Playing Aggressive Champions

Playing aggressive champions is a great way to level up fast. Champions like Zed and Yone are known for their high damage output and ability to quickly take down enemy champions. By playing these champions and focusing on taking down enemy champions, you can gain more XP and level up faster.

Destroying Turrets and Objectives

Destroying turrets and objectives is another effective way to level up fast. Turrets and objectives provide bonus XP when destroyed, which means that focusing on taking them down can help you gain XP at an accelerated rate.

Completing Missions and Milestones

Completing missions and milestones is another great way to level up fast. These tasks provide bonus XP and can be completed quickly and easily. By focusing on completing missions and milestones, you can gain more XP and level up faster.

Using Boosting Services

Using boosting services is a controversial but effective way to level up fast. These services provide professional players who will play on your account and win matches for you, allowing you to gain XP at an accelerated rate. While this method is not recommended for everyone, it can be a great way to catch up to higher-ranked players quickly.

In Summary… How Do You Quickly Level Up in LoL?

In conclusion, by using these advanced techniques, you can level up quickly and efficiently. Whether you're using runes and champion capsules, playing co-op vs. AI games, playing aggressive champions, destroying turrets and objectives, completing missions and milestones, or using boosting services, there are plenty of ways to gain XP and level up fast in League of Legends.

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Artiom Pucinskij - Author at EsportsLounge

Artiom Pucinskij

Artiom is the founder and editor of EsportsLounge, a leading esports content website covering everything from esports betting to the latest esports news. With a passion for gaming that extends beyond his professional work, Artiom loves playing popular games such as CSGO, LoL and Dota 2 in his spare time. With five years of experience in the gaming and betting industries, Artiom has developed a deep understanding of the world of esports and is dedicated to bringing his readers the most informative and engaging content possible. When he's not busy covering the latest esports trends, Artiom can often be found indulging in his favorite game, Final Fantasy.