Understanding LOL Roles

Understanding LOL Roles

Full Guide To Mastering Roles in League of Legends

League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game that has gained immense popularity over the years. There are five primary roles in League of Legends: Top Lane, Jungle, Mid Lane, Bot Lane, and Support. Each role requires a different set of skills and strategies, and it is essential to choose a role that suits your play style. For instance, if you prefer a more aggressive play style, the Top Lane or Jungle role might be suitable for you. On the other hand, if you prefer a more supportive role, the Bot Lane or Support role might be more appropriate.

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Updated on: 4/16/2024

Understanding the LOL Role System

In League of Legends, each player on a team is assigned one of five specific roles: Top, Jungle, Mid, ADC, and Support. Understanding the role system is crucial for players to excel in the game. In this section, we will provide an overview of the LOL role system, including an explanation of each role and the responsibilities of the champions in those roles.

Every Role

Each role has a different set of responsibilities that contribute to the team's success. Here are the five roles in League of Legends:

  • Top: The top lane is often referred to as the island, as it is the most isolated lane on the map. The champions in this role are typically tanky and have the ability to sustain themselves through the laning phase. They are responsible for controlling the top side of the map and pressuring the enemy team's objectives.
  • Jungle: The jungle role is responsible for roaming around the map and helping their team secure objectives. Junglers typically have high mobility and can clear camps quickly. They are also responsible for ganking lanes to help their teammates secure kills.
  • Mid: The mid lane is often considered the most important lane in League of Legends. Mid laners typically have high burst damage and can quickly take down enemy champions. They are responsible for controlling the middle of the map and roaming to help secure objectives.
  • ADC: The ADC (Attack Damage Carry) role is responsible for dealing sustained physical damage to the enemy team. They are typically ranged champions and are responsible for taking down enemy champions and objectives.
  • Support: The support role is responsible for protecting and enabling their team. They typically have low damage output but have the ability to heal, shield, and crowd control enemy champions. Supports are responsible for keeping their ADC alive and helping secure objectives.

Popular Roles

While every role is important in League of Legends, some are more popular than others. According to data from League of Graphs, the most popular roles in the game are:

  • Mid: The mid lane is the most popular role in League of Legends, with a pick rate of 25.1%. This is likely due to the high impact that mid laners can have on the game.
  • ADC: The ADC role is the second most popular role, with a pick rate of 20.3%. ADCs are responsible for dealing sustained physical damage, making them a crucial part of any team composition.
  • Jungle: The jungle role is the third most popular role, with a pick rate of 19.8%. Junglers have the ability to impact the game in a variety of ways, making them a popular choice for many players.
  • Top: The top lane is the fourth most popular role, with a pick rate of 19.4%. While the top lane is often isolated from the rest of the map, top laners can still have a significant impact on the game.
  • Support: The support role is the least popular role, with a pick rate of 15.4%. While supports may not deal as much damage as other roles, they are still crucial to the success of any team.

Understanding the LOL role system is essential for any player looking to improve their gameplay. By understanding the responsibilities of each role and the champions that excel in those roles, players can make informed decisions that contribute to their team's success.

Top Lane Role

The Top Lane Role is one of the most isolated roles in League of Legends. It is located at the top of the map, and it is a solo lane where the player has to face an opponent in a one versus one matchup. The Top Lane Role requires the player to have excellent map awareness, as they are far from the rest of the map's action.

Champion Selection

When choosing a champion for the Top Lane Role, players generally opt for champions that have enough life and can eventually help their team roll. Tank champions and bruisers are the most common choices for this role. Tank top laners like Malphite and Maokai are great choices for players who want to be the front line and absorb damage for their team. Bruisers like Jax and Darius are great choices for players who want to deal damage while still being able to take some hits.


Top Lane champions tend to scale well into the late game. This is because they are isolated from the rest of the map's action and can farm safely. This allows them to accumulate gold and experience, which makes them stronger as the game progresses.


One of the most popular Top Lane champions is Illaoi. She is a bruiser who can dish out a lot of damage while still being able to take hits. She is great at pushing lanes and can quickly clear minion waves. Her ultimate ability, Leap of Faith, allows her to deal massive damage to enemies in a wide area.

Jungle Role

In League of Legends, the Jungle Role is one of the most crucial roles in the game. The Jungler is responsible for navigating the hidden terrain between the three primary lanes of Summoner's Rift. They are tasked with battling neutral monsters, acquiring buffs, and orchestrating surprise attacks on the enemy team. The Jungler's primary objective is to provide pressure on the map by creating opportunities for their team to secure objectives and gain advantages.


Jungling is the action of killing neutral monsters, which are creatures located between the lanes in Summoner's Rift. The Jungle is the part of the Summoner's Rift that is not occupied by lanes or team's bases, including the river that divides it. Junglers rely on killing neutral monsters in the jungle to keep up with their laning teammates in terms of gold and experience.


Ganking is a term used to describe when the Jungler leaves the jungle to assist one of their teammates in a lane. Ganks can be extremely effective when executed correctly, as they can catch the enemy team off guard and result in a kill or objective for your team. Timing and communication with your teammates are crucial when attempting a gank.


Objectives are a key component of League of Legends, and the Jungler plays a vital role in securing them. The most important objectives in the game are the Baron Nashor and the Dragon. The Jungler should always be aware of when these objectives are up and communicate with their team to secure them. Additionally, the Jungler can help their team secure other objectives such as towers and inhibitors by providing pressure on the map.

Rotation and Roaming

Rotation and Roaming are two terms that are often used interchangeably in League of Legends. Rotation refers to the movement of players on the map, while Roaming refers specifically to the movement of the Jungler. The Jungler should always be looking for opportunities to roam and apply pressure on the map. This can include ganking a lane, stealing the enemy's jungle camps, or securing objectives.


There are many different champions that can be played in the Jungle Role, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Some popular Junglers include Lee Sin and Master Yi. Lee Sin is a highly mobile champion that excels at ganking and setting up kills for his team. Master Yi, on the other hand, is a champion that scales well into the late game and can carry games if he is able to farm up and secure kills.

Mid Lane Role

The Mid Lane position in League of Legends is a crucial role that requires a combination of mechanical skill, map awareness, and game knowledge. Mid laners are responsible for controlling the center of the map and influencing the outcome of the game through their ability to roam and make plays.

Mid Lane Champions

Mid lane champions are typically AP carries or control mages that have high burst damage and wave-clearing abilities. Some popular mid lane champions include LeBlanc, Sylas, and control mages like Orianna and Syndra. These champions excel at dealing damage and controlling the battlefield, making them essential to a successful team composition.

Mid Lane Playstyle

The Mid Lane role is unique in that it requires players to be able to adapt to different playstyles depending on the champion they are playing. Control mages like Orianna and Syndra rely on their ability to zone and control the battlefield, while assassins like LeBlanc and Sylas focus on quickly bursting down enemy champions.

Mid Lane Strategy

Mid laners have the ability to roam to other lanes and help secure kills for their team. This requires good map awareness and the ability to recognize when to leave the lane and help your team. Mid laners should also focus on controlling vision around the center of the map to deny the enemy team information and set up plays for their team.

Mid Lane Statistics

According to statistics from League of Graphs, the average win rate for mid lane champions in Platinum+ ranked games is around 51%. The highest win rate champions in this role include control mages like Viktor and Anivia, as well as assassins like Katarina and Zed.

ADC Role

ADC stands for Attack Damage Carry, and it is a role in League of Legends that is responsible for dealing strong, continuous damage with basic attacks and scaling with attack-related stats such as attack damage, critical strike chance, and attack speed. ADCs are traditionally played in the bottom lane with a support champion to help them in the early game.

ADCs are also commonly referred to as Marksmen, which is a more recent term used to distinguish between ranged basic attackers. Some popular ADC champions include Vayne, Miss Fortune, Sivir, Caitlyn, and Tristana.

As an ADC, your primary goal is to farm up as quickly as possible to get your items and become a powerhouse in the later stages of the game. This means that you will need to focus on last-hitting minions to gain gold and experience, while also avoiding enemy attacks and staying alive.

In addition to farming, ADCs are also responsible for dealing damage to enemy champions in team fights and taking down objectives such as towers and dragons. This requires good positioning and decision-making skills, as well as the ability to quickly react to changing situations.

Support Role

The support role requires a player who is patient, strategic, and able to work well with others. With the right champion and strategy, a skilled support player can be the difference between victory and defeat.

Popular Support ChampionsUnique Abilities
SorakaHeals allies and damages enemies with Starcall
BraumProvides shields and can stun enemies with Concussive Blows
LeonaProvides crowd control with stuns and slows
JannaProvides shields and knock-ups
SonaProvides healing and crowd control with auras

Laning Phase

In League of Legends, the laning phase is the first stage of the game where players focus on farming minion kills and harassing their opponent. This phase typically lasts for the first 10-15 minutes of the game and sets the foundation for the rest of the match.


Farming is the process of killing minions to earn gold and experience. It is important to farm effectively during the laning phase to gain an advantage over your opponent. Players should focus on last-hitting minions to maximize their gold income while avoiding pushing the lane too far and risking ganks from the enemy jungler.


Trading refers to the exchange of damage between players during the laning phase. It is important to trade effectively to gain an advantage over your opponent. Players should look for opportunities to deal damage while avoiding taking too much in return. This can be achieved by utilizing abilities and basic attacks, as well as positioning and timing.


Stuns are a type of crowd control that can be used to disable an opponent for a short period of time. They can be used to set up kills or escapes during the laning phase. Players should be aware of their opponent's stun abilities and look for opportunities to use their own.


Teleporting is a summoner spell that allows players to quickly travel to another location on the map. It can be used to gank other lanes or defend against enemy ganks. Players should be aware of their opponent's teleporting abilities and use their own strategically.

First Turret

The first turret to fall during the laning phase is an important objective as it provides a significant gold advantage to the team that takes it down. Players should look for opportunities to take down the enemy turret while defending their own. This can be achieved by utilizing minion waves, jungle pressure, and coordinated team plays.

Mid to Late Game

As the game progresses into the mid to late game, the focus shifts from individual laning to team fights and objective control. This is where the game can be won or lost, and it's important to have a solid understanding of how to play this phase of the game.


Objectives become increasingly important as the game goes on, and can often be the deciding factor in who wins. Baron, dragon, and rift herald are all key objectives that can give your team a significant advantage. It's important to prioritize these objectives and work together as a team to secure them.

Team fights

Team fights become more frequent and more important in the mid to late game. It's crucial to position yourself well and focus on high priority targets, such as the enemy carry. Communication with your team is also key to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working together.

Late game

In the late game, mistakes can be costly and can lead to a game-ending push by the enemy team. It's important to maintain a lead if you have one, or to play defensively if you're behind. Late game champions, such as Jinx and Kassadin, can be incredibly powerful and can turn the tide of a game in an instant.


If you have a lead in the mid to late game, it's important to maintain it and push your advantage. This can be done by securing objectives, taking down towers, and pushing lanes. However, it's important not to get overconfident and make mistakes that can allow the enemy team to catch up.

Gameplay Mechanics

In League of Legends, understanding the game's mechanics is essential to success. These mechanics include abilities, crowd control, and other gameplay elements that affect how champions interact with each other. Here's a breakdown of some of the most important gameplay mechanics:


Abilities are the cornerstone of gameplay in League of Legends. Each champion has four unique abilities that can be used in combat. These abilities can be offensive, defensive, or supportive in nature, and can be used to deal damage, heal allies, or control the battlefield. Each ability has its own cooldown time, mana cost, and damage output, making it important to use them strategically.

Crowd Control

Crowd control (CC) is another key gameplay mechanic in League of Legends. CC abilities can be used to disable enemies, making them unable to move, attack, or cast spells. The most common types of CC include stuns, slows, roots, and knockups. CC is essential in team fights, as it can be used to control the battlefield and prevent enemies from escaping.

Other Gameplay Mechanics

In addition to abilities and CC, there are many other gameplay mechanics that players need to be aware of. These include:

  • Minion waves: Minions spawn periodically and move towards the enemy base. Players can kill minions to earn gold and experience points, which can be used to level up and purchase items.
  • Objectives: There are several objectives on the map, including turrets, inhibitors, and the Nexus. Destroying these objectives is key to winning the game.
  • Vision: Players can place wards on the map to gain vision of enemy movements. This is essential for tracking enemy junglers and preventing ganks.
  • Itemization: Players can purchase items to improve their stats and abilities. Choosing the right items is essential to success in the game.

Ranked Play

Ranked play is a competitive mode in League of Legends where players can climb the ladder and try to reach the highest rank possible. There are 10 ranks in total, from Iron to Challenger, and each rank has four divisions. Climbing the ranks in League of Legends can be a challenging and rewarding experience, but it requires dedication, skill, and a good understanding of the game.

To participate in ranked play, players need to reach level 30 and own at least 20 champions. They also need to complete 10 placement matches, which will determine their starting rank. After the placement matches, players will start at a certain rank and division, and they will earn LP (League Points) for each win. The more LP they have, the closer they are to advancing to the next division or rank.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when playing ranked is to focus on improving your own gameplay instead of worrying about your teammates. While it's true that having a good team can make a difference, ultimately, your own performance is what matters the most. Try to learn from your mistakes, watch replays, and practice your mechanics and decision-making skills.

Another key factor in climbing the ranked ladder is to have a good champion pool. It's important to have a few champions that you are comfortable playing in different roles and situations. You should also try to pick champions that are strong in the current meta and that fit your playstyle. Keeping up with the patch notes and tier lists can help you stay informed about which champions are currently strong or weak.

So… What Are The Roles in League of Legends?

In conclusion, understanding the different roles in League of Legends is crucial for players who want to improve their skills and climb the ranks. Whether you prefer to play Top Lane, Mid Lane, Attack Damage Carry (ADC), Jungler, or Support, each role has its own unique set of challenges and rewards.

As Riot Games continues to release new patches, such as Patch 13.10, it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest changes to each role and how they affect gameplay. For example, the recent patch introduced changes to several champions, such as the APC (Ability Power Carry) champions, which could have an impact on how players approach the game.

Experience also plays a crucial role in determining which role suits a player best. New players may find it easier to start with a simpler role, such as Support, while more experienced players may prefer the challenge of playing as a Jungler or Mid Laner.

For those interested in betting on League of Legends matches, understanding the different roles and how they interact with each other can be an advantage. Knowing which roles are currently popular or strong in the meta can help inform betting decisions.

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Artiom Pucinskij - Author at EsportsLounge

Artiom Pucinskij

Artiom is the founder and editor of EsportsLounge, a leading esports content website covering everything from esports betting to the latest esports news. With a passion for gaming that extends beyond his professional work, Artiom loves playing popular games such as CSGO, LoL and Dota 2 in his spare time. With five years of experience in the gaming and betting industries, Artiom has developed a deep understanding of the world of esports and is dedicated to bringing his readers the most informative and engaging content possible. When he's not busy covering the latest esports trends, Artiom can often be found indulging in his favorite game, Final Fantasy.