Paladins Esports

Paladins Esports

Everything you need to know about Paladins Esports

Paladins: Champions of the Realm, is a hero-shooter game developed by Evil Mojo Games and published by Hi-Rez Studios. It is a free-to-play online, team-based, first-person-shooter game that involves strategy and agility. When it was initially released in the summer of 2016 (as a beta model) and was met with a lot of praise, as lovers of sci-fi/fantasy worlds became fans of Paladins. It was officially released in 2018 and has since become quite popular in the sci-fi/fantasy gaming community.

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Updated on: 4/16/2024

Paladins Live Matches

Mid-Season Invitational

Team One

Bilibili Gaming



Team One



Starting Soon

CCT Global Finals

Team One




Team One



Starting Soon

Omen Retake

Team One




Team One

ABT Esports


Starting Soon

King Pro League

Team One

AG Super Play



Team One



Starting Soon


Team One

Joy Dream



Team One

Bilibili Gaming Junior


Starting Soon

Paladins Tournaments

Because Paladins is a free, and easily available, online game, it is quite popular, especially with fantasy and sci-fi lovers. This ease in availability and popularity are the reasons for Paladins esports tournaments being frequent occurrences. At times, they occur weekly, but the larger tournaments generally take place once or twice a year (depending on their turn out).

Prize pools for tournaments can range anywhere between $50,000 and $100,000 and while this may seem like a smaller sum than other games, it is actually justified because of how frequently the tournaments take place.

The most popular tournament types are LANs because they allow gamers to compete from the comfort of their homes. However, regional and worldwide tournaments also take place. Championships are another popular format and the Paladins Worldwide Championship is particularly famous (it takes place on an annual basis).

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Paladins Competitive Scene

Paladins is a team-based game, with teams of two going head-to-head in mortal combat. It is a highly competitive game and since its initiation into esports, Paladins esports has held several tournaments as a means for players to compete professionally. The different tournaments take place all year round and there are no set competitive seasons in which they occur.

Paladins esports generally takes place using Xbox and PlayStation as those are the two most popular devices for playing the game. The game is also available on Nintendo Switch and Microsoft Windows, but both are not used to play Paladins esports.

Some of the most popular competitive tournaments include Paladins Console Wars (which have taken place in the past and still do), the Paladins World Championship (particularly the one that took place in 2018) and Paladins Masters 2018.

Paladins Competitive Seasons

Although Paladins esports has a very popular competitive scene and has tournaments taking place almost every week, there are no set seasons for the game. This is because tournaments are constantly taking place no matter what the month is. There are no particular seasons because the game is so popular and in high demand that tournaments take place all year round.

Tournaments and competitions take place weekly and different tournaments can take place in the winter or summer or even both, depending on budgeting and logistics. However, the popularity of Paladins esports and the formation of formal major and minor leagues has caused the game to not have any official seasons. So far, no news has been provided about Paladins esports embracing a seasonal format, but that might be for the best because of how busy the tournaments already are.

Paladins Game Basics

This sci-fi and fantasy game takes place in the world of Dungeonpunk, where two factions, the Magistrate and the Paladins are at war. Champions (or special forces in the game) were recruited by both factions as a means to decrease the casualties of regular soldiers. These Champions have special abilities that make them more suited for war; however, some Champions never picked a side in the war and even became recruits for both factions, making them vicious mercenaries.

Players are required to play in teams and select their champion. Different champions are divided into different categories, including Front Line, Damage, Support and Flank. Each category entails a different position in the team and different abilities for the champions within them.

Paladins is a first-person shooter game, meaning it requires players to kill and play offensively. What makes Paladins different from other games is that it encourages a sense of teamwork unlike any other. Teams need to be coordinated and synchronized in order to win the game.

A professional player can be easily differentiated from an average one because of how a pro player can identify the strengths and weaknesses of different champions and how they strategize during the game.

Paladins Inventory

Paladins includes three different kinds of in-game currency, including gold coins, battle pass points and crystals. Gold coins are fairly easy to earn because you can get gold coin rewards with your daily login or any wins you achieve. Gold coins can be used to buy champions, upgrades and basic cosmetics. Crystals and battle pass points require real money to purchase or they can be found in the game through rare occurrences. Both can be used to make in-game purchases that are not necessary, but often desired by players as they might provide advantages during the game.

Paladins Meta

There are many effective tactics available for the game because it is a typical first-person shooter game and requires the same skill set as all such games to win. One of the most effective tactics that can be used to win the game is to make sure that your team members have a diverse class of characters. Do not stick to one simple category as the different divisions of the characters bring different skills to your team and the more skills your team has, the easier it will be to win.

Another highly effective tactic is to gain as much knowledge about the different characters as you can. This knowledge will only help you understand the game better and you can easily gain it through research and by playing the game in your spare time.

Your meta can be severely affected by new updates being made in the game or due to an amateur player in a skilled team. Major new updates in Paladins are quite rare, but they can still have a major impact on your strategy because even a change in a single character can throw you off completely.

Paladins Team Composition

In the game, there is no particular structure to teams and you can easily choose your team members according to your preference. However, one person generally takes the lead and can help implement the main strategy the team agrees upon. Paladins esports has major and minor league teams, with anywhere between 4 and 6 players composing a single team.

The important part of the game is that teams choose characters from different categories. There are four main categories of champions in Paladins, including Front Line, Damage, Support and Flank. Choosing champions from different classes will allow for more efficient gameplay and the team will be able to implement highly effective tactics to win.

Champions in the Front Line are generally the leaders of the group and are efficient in taking control of the game’s objective. Flank champions have abilities that correspond with both damage and mobility, while also confirming the kills at the enemy’s base. Damage champions (as the name suggests) are effective at dishing out damage. Support champions provide offensive and defensive utility.

Paladins Game Modes

Paladins includes four game modes which can be played and each game-mode is played in teams. Siege is the main game-mode that is commonly used in competitive play and is quite popular as it requires teams to go head-to-head to capture a central point on the map or push payload at the enemy team’s base.

Onslaught is another game-mode that requires teams to combat over a large area and win the control point. Team Deathmatch, as the name implies, is a game-mode that requires teams to kill members of the other team for points. Ranked is the final game-mode that is the same format as Siege, but allows each team to ban certain champions for the enemy team (so they cannot select them).

Currently, the developers of Paladins have not announced any new game-mode releases. Also, the game modes are not seasonal in Paladins esports and remain permanent throughout the year, especially Siege.

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Artiom Pucinskij - Author at EsportsLounge

Artiom Pucinskij

Artiom is the founder and editor of EsportsLounge, a leading esports content website covering everything from esports betting to the latest esports news. With a passion for gaming that extends beyond his professional work, Artiom loves playing popular games such as CSGO, LoL and Dota 2 in his spare time. With five years of experience in the gaming and betting industries, Artiom has developed a deep understanding of the world of esports and is dedicated to bringing his readers the most informative and engaging content possible. When he's not busy covering the latest esports trends, Artiom can often be found indulging in his favorite game, Final Fantasy.